Fundraise for us
As an independent local charity, we rely on the generosity of people like you to help thousands of people in Liverpool find a way forward each year.
Here are just a few ways in which you can raise money for Citizens Advice Liverpool:
Fundraise while you shop
Hold a fundraiser or sponsorship event
Leave a gift in your will
Make a donation

Fundraise while you shop online
Citizens Advice Liverpool is now registered with EasyFundraising and AmazonSmile. These are free to use services that allow you to raise money for Citizens Advice Liverpool while you shop online. Just select 'Citizens Advice Liverpool' when choosing a cause to support!
Hold a fundraiser or sponsorship event
Raise money celebrating a special occasion – dedicate your birthday, wedding or other special occasion to Citizens Advice Liverpool, or mark a milestone in your life. You could set up a special celebration fundraising page and ask for donations.
Get your friends and family to sponsor you – perhaps you could indulge in your favourite hobby, learn a new skill, give up something you love for a while or even grow a beard! Many organisations have a Matched Giving scheme where they can double what you raise from your fundraising activity. Ask your employer if they have this scheme and give your fundraising a big boost!
Getting some advice or support from our charity can make the world of difference for someone. From going on a hike to baking biscuits, there are lots of ways you can raise money to help us help people in Liverpool find a way forward.
Stay safe while fundraising
The health and the safety of all our supporters is a priority. During the current challenges we want you to be safe while planning your fundraising event. Please make sure that you refer to latest government guidance on COVID-19 to help you in planning for your safe and successful fundraising activities. Thank you so much for your support of Citizens Advice Liverpool.
Leave a gift in your will
Another way you can support us is to leave a gift in your will. Any gift, however small, will help to ensure that we are still here for your family, friends, and people who live and work in Liverpool.
A gift in your will is an investment in the future.
Our advice services are more in demand today than ever before, and as we move into the future, that demand looks set to grow even further.
Gifts left to charities in wills—usually known as legacies—don't need to be large. Even a small percentage of your estate, left as a gift, can make a big difference.
None of us can predict what problems our families and friends—and their children and grandchildren—may face in the future. They might have money difficulties, a relationship breakdown or ill health. They might have a disability, face an employment dispute or become a victim of discrimination. We are determined to make sure that whatever problems they face in the future, they don't have to face them alone. You can help us achieve this aim by leaving us a gift in your will.
Make a donation
Citizens Advice Liverpool is independently run—that is why we rely on the support of members of the public, people like you.
You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular gift to Citizens Advice Liverpool. Making a regular donation is one of the most effective ways to show your support and commitment – it helps us to plan for the future and ensures that we can continue to run our much-needed advice services. Even £5 a month really does make a difference.
If you wish to make a donation today, please visit our online donation platform.